Meet A house member Delara Saleh Ebrahimi

februari 7th 2019

Hi Delara, what is it that you do at Grow?
– I’m a brand strategist, meaning that I help Grow’s clients develop everything from brand platforms to commercial growth strategies and creative concepts.

Are there any particular tools that you need to start your working day?
– No, but I usually take a moment each morning to go through what I want to accomplish that day. Then I write that down on a post-it, if that counts as a tool?

What can people ask you that you love to talk about?
–  New tech, good music, bad movies, great design and anything about brands of course.

What’s on your playlist currently?
– My latest Shazamed tracks. It’s a weird mix.

What inspires you in your daily work?
– Definitely the people I work with. We have a lot of fun ☺

Photographer: Anna Schori

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