
Vi erbjuder inspirerande miljöer för kreatörer att växa, samarbeta och hitta gemenskap. Mer än coworking – det är nyfikenhet, nya affärsmöjligheter och kreativ kraft. God mat, dryck, kultur och ständigt utvecklande ytor. Våra medlemmar säger att det är detta som gör A house unikt.

Välj destination

Filmhuset / Interview
“Min förhoppning är att filmen leder till en förändring”
En medlemsintervju med konstnären Wasim Harwill. Foto: Eva Edsjö.
Katarina­huset / Event
Musiksverige samlas i A house Katarinahuset – öppnar den 2 september
Musiksverige samlas i A house Katarinahuset – öppnar den 2 september
Ark / Event
Women Only Aw
Summer Edition
Filmhuset / Interview
“Vi ville uppnå totalt kaos”
En medlemsintervju med Sonic Erection Foto: Eva Edsjö
Filmhuset / Interview
Från djupaste allvar till befriande skratt
En medlemsintervju med manusförfattaren Anders Tempelman Foto: Eva Edsjö
Ark / Event, Food
Tuesday Lunch Chef
Varje tisdag klockan 11:30-13:30
Filmhuset / Interview
“Jag vill hitta den kortaste vägen till sanningen”
En medlemsintervju med regissören och poeten Ville Gobi. Foto: Eva Edsjö
Filmhuset / Interview
“Jag hoppas på mer plats åt de som tar större konstnärliga risker”
En medlemsintervju med konstnären, filmskaparen och VJ:n Elin Fiorentino Passanisi. Foto: Eva Edsjö
Ark / Interview
A conversation with Cissi Nilsson
“Everyone deserves the right to live their lives without fear. As long as that right does not exist, we will exist.”
Ark / Showcase
A showcase: Mamma United
How can we create a more inclusive and equal society?
Ark / Event
Wine Tasting
Summer Edition
Ark / Showcase
A showcase: Nicotext
Games and books that makes you happy
Filmhuset / Interview
“Vi måste bli bättre på att nå publiken”
En medlemsintervju med Film Stockholms VD Kristina Colliander. Foto: Eva Edsjö
Ark / Event
Community Table
Free lunch among co-members
Ark / Event, Yoga & Mindfulness
Mindful Creatives Day
A day full of self-development, co-creation and dopamines
Ark / Interview
A conversation with Dig’s Carolina von Rosen
An easygoing one-on-one with members at A house Ark
Ark / Showcase
A showcase: Punchline Tag
Quirky & original paper craft
Ark / Event, Food
Food for thought – with Patrik Beskow
Food for thought is a new forum at A house Ark where members share a meal as they discuss questions that are relevant to the community at Ark, in the company of an expert on the topic at hand.
Filmhuset / Interview
“Det är samma bläck”
En medlemsintervju med manusförfattaren och poeten Meron Mangasha. Foto: Eva Edsjö
Ark / Interview
A conversation with Stina Hedberg
An easygoing one-on-one with members at A house Ark
Ark / Fashion
Beckmans and A house presents Works of Essence
Since 2021, A house and Beckmans’ Student Union has had an on-going collaboration that invites Beckmans’ upcoming industry professionals to the A house destinations for community, space and satellite activations. One such activation is the exhibition Works of Essence; held in A coustic here at A house Ark during Stockholm Design Week.
Filmhuset / Interview
“Det är en oemotståndlig berättelse”
En medlemsintervju med regissören och manusförfattaren Sarah Gyllenstierna. Foto: Eva Edsjö
Ark / Interview
A conversation with Anna Fridh
An easygoing one-on-one with members at A house Ark
Ark / Food
TakeOver at OMAKA
Guest chef night by TakeOver, a collective of female chefs
Ark / Member creation
Member Creation: How We Feel App
Design by Sara Strand
Ark / Showcase
A showcase: Ekbacken Studios
A house Ark members Ekbacken Studios are currently showcasing their sustainable ocean-trash furniture in A lobby as part of Stockholm Design Week.
/ A journal, Community, Food, Journal
A conversation with Oddgeir Hole
The vegetarian section at the supermarket can seem like a good choice regardless of what ends up in your cart; but as we remove products with little nutrition, cross-continental transportation and a global sourcing of ingredients, few options remain. One brand that does is Färsodlarna. Meet Work Studio member Oddgeir Hole, CEO at Färsodlarna – […]
/ Community, Event
Women Only After Work
Recently, we hosted one of our most appreciated traditions at Ark, the Women Only After Work. A get-together in A kitchen guided by the A house principle “Sharing problems, not just solutions”; getting to know each other and what we do, as well as focusing our discussions around the challenges women encounter in both work […]
/ Community, Journal, Kalendarium, Members only
Women Only Aw
Women of Ark – Det är äntligen dags att samlas i A yard för vår traditionella Women Only After Work, ett intiativ som uppmuntrar ett starkt kvinnligt nätverk. Denna gång kommer aw:n kombineraras med en vinprovning a la summer edition. Mer info kommer. Members only.
/ Community
Våren på Cinemateket
Komedin, feelgoodfilmen, den utopiska berättelsen – det lyckliga slutet. Filmen skildrar och skapar lycka och hoppfullhet, men även dess motsatser. Våren 2023 undersöker Cinemateket den sjunde himlens roll i den sjunde konstarten. Kom och upptäck filmer av regissörer som Agnès Varda, Kidlat Tahimik, Hasse & Tage, Frank Borzage och Otar Iosseliani. Hela programmet hittar du […]
/ A journal, Community
Från djupaste allvar till befriande skratt
Efter att ha startat två reklambyråer och haft en gedigen karriär som både copywriter och reklamfilmsregissör valde Anders Tempelman att sadla om till manusförfattare på heltid. Vi bad honom berätta om den kommande kostymkomedin om Bernadottes väg till tronen, bloggandet som frizon och hans bästa tips för den som också vill börja skriva för film. […]
/ Community
Filmvisning med Musoke
Som avslutning på sin nystartade workshopserie ”First Draft” för unga kreatörer inom film bjöd våra vänner på Musoke Productions in till en kvällsvisning på Filmhuset. Deltagarna och andra kreatörer delade sina aktuella projekt på bioduken; en unik inblick i deras pågående arbete och kreativa process. Allt från stop motion-filmer, musikvideos and dokumentära porträtt. Varje visning […]
/ A journal, Community, Fashion, Journal, Member interview
A conversation with Sophie Gyllenhammar
Member Sophie Gyllenhammar Mattsson’s first introduction to jewelry was as she went through her mother’s and grandmother’s jewelry boxes as a kid. As an adult, she started to explore the medium as a possible profession; learning the craft from Argentinian-Swedish jeweler Horacio Ramirez-Achinelli. In 2006, Sophie Gyllenhammar Mattsson started her brand SOPHIE by SOPHIE. She […]
/ Community
Studio F
Det är nästan overkligt, men efter nästan två år av planering, omplanering och ombyggnation är den äntligen färdig. Vår helt nya eventlokal Studio F, anpassad för allt från konserter till utställningar. Mer info om lokalen hittar du här:
/ Community
Filmfestival i huset
Med dagliga visningar och tre fullspäckade Industry Days drog filmfestivalen igång här på Filmhuset. Masterclasses av kritikerrosade regissörerna Tarik Saleh och Ali Abbasi, presentationer av Works in Progress för både nordiska och ukrainska projekt i samarbete med Odessas internationella filmfestival och Meet the Streamers med nordiska representanter för Warner Bros Discovery, Viaplay Group och Prime Video. Tack för i år! Se en full recap på […]
/ Community
Do the Right Thing
Med en smygvisning i bagaget har vi nu officiellt kickat igång Filmhusets nya analoga filmklubb! Först ut va en helkväll med Spike Lees mästerverk Do the Right Thing på en välspelad 35 mm-rulle. Inlett i ett samtal med Nathan Hamelberg och kreatören Maria “Decida” Wahlberg om arvet efter filmen, dess betydelse för hiphopen och hur Do the […]
/ Community
Bokklubb #3
”Sheldon Hall och Steve Neale tillhör de filmforskare som, genom grävande i arkiv och gamla branschtidningar, visar att vad vi tror oss veta om filmhistorien ofta är fel. Deras bok understryker att det mesta som sagts och skrivits om New Hollywood på 70-talet inte stämmer med verkligheten. Intressant läsning för alla som vill veta mer […]
/ A journal, Community, Kalendarium, Member interview
A conversation with Amjad Aloul
Amjad Aloul can be seen as being the avant-garde to the many agencies and networks working with representation that we see today, having actively centered immigrant groups and experiences in his work through his agency Crossborder Communication since the 90’s; amongst other initiatives. Strategist, communications expert and business developer, Amjad has been a member at […]
/ Community
Hint x Organic Sweden
Trend forecasting and brand strategy agency Hint, founded by Johan Åkesson and Claes Bodén, is something of a spider in the A house web. Having joined forces with numerous companies within A house Ark, they’re paving the way for collaboration between members. One of those in-house collabs has been in partnership with Organic Sweden: an […]
/ Community
Bergman på besök
Skisser, bilder och en och annan demon. I foajén hittar du nu en exakt replika på Ingmar Bergmans regimanus till Fanny och Alexander, utlånad av våra medlemmar Stiftelsen Ingmar Bergman. Här finns scenanvisningar, ändringar och Bergmans egna upplevelser från inspelningen i kortformat. Inför premiären summerade han projektet: ”Efter Fanny och Alexander blir det ingen mer […]
/ A journal, Community
A conversation with Upotential
Upotential is on course for making tools that have long been popular within sports psychology and coaching available to the masses. With an upcoming pop-up version at A house Ark of their otherwise online gym, we wanted to dig into the story behind Upotential. In a sit-down with founders Marianne “Maja” Marescotti and Catrin Eriksson, […]
/ Community
Filmfolk och shopfest
Knockade av uppslutningen till gårdagens invigning av Filmhusets nya shop. Foto: Louise Helmfrid
/ Community
Vi är redo att bänka oss i biostolen till familjehemligheter, ufon, onani, true crime och en och annan spya. Tack för gårdagens presentation av höstens 25 kommande svenska premiärer, ledd av den eminenta Parisa Amiri och arrangerat av Svenska Filminstitutet och Film&TV-producenterna. Här är alla höstens premiärer:
/ A journal, Community, Member interview
A conversation with Sara Strand
Sara Strand has spent the last decade in Sweden and the U.S. working within graphic design and art direction, during which she has developed a distinctly playful style characterized by simple shapes and fun colors. Now back in Stockholm, she keeps her base as a Work Club member here at A house Ark doing what […]
/ Community
Filmhuset bokklubb #2
”Filmhistorien är fylld av historier om besvärliga inspelningar men få av dem triggar stresshormonerna som Carl Gottliebs skildring av inspelningen av Hajen (Jaws). The Jaws Log är manusförfattaren Gottliebs vittnesmål direkt från den kaotiska produktionen. Allt från strejker till den dysfunktionella hajmodellen går emot det hårt prövade filmteamet. En 26-årig Steven Spielberg inleder inspelningen med entusiasm men […]
/ Community
Hösten på Cinemateket
Kroppar som snubblat, sprungit, dansat, piskats, avklätts och skadats för att underhålla, bilda, tillrättavisa och stilla begär, för att skapa och rasera normer. Under hösten 2022 utforskar Cinemateket kroppen på film. Med regissörer som Mai Zetterling, John Waters, Nagisa Oshima, Yvonne Rainer och Carlos Reygadas. Därutöver visas ett queerfilmsprogram i samarbete med Trans and non-binary […]
/ A journal, Community
DIY-karriären och vikten av att vara en nörd
Fotograf, copywriter, filmskapare och creative. Kreatören John-Jamal Gille har gjort mer än många. Från att ha arbetat flera år i reklam- och musikbranschen har han nu tagit steget in i Stockholms modevärld. Vi pratade om förfrusna fingrar under inspelning i Luleå, att lära sig själv och tips till dem som vill ta sig in i […]
/ Community
Filmhusets bokklubb #1
Med Sveriges enda specialbibliotek för film i huset har vi länge funderat på hur vi kan samarbeta för att visa upp innehållet på ett nytt sätt. Nu lanserar vi Filmhusets nya digitala bokklubb. En gång i månaden lyfter vi en ny titel eller tidskrift kurerad av biblioteket. Först ut är Derek Jarman’s Sketchbooks, med Stephen Farthing och Eb Webb-Ingall som […]
/ A journal, Community
Att drömma stort och landa på månen
Från att se fem filmer om dagen under ett helt sommarlov, till att idag vara filmregissör. Vår residensmedlem Ronson Huynh började sin filmkarriär med en point and shoot-kamera – nu har han flera filmprojekt på gång och siktet inställt på Hollywood. Du verkar ha tusen saker på gång. Hur är läget och vad jobbar du […]
/ Community
Film, War & Independence
I helgen bjöd Filmhuset in till en välgörenhetskväll för att stötta filmskapare i Ukraina. Det med aktuella kortfilmer från krigets Ukraina följt av ett panelsamtal med filmskaparna och därefter en visning av internationellt prisbelönta dokumentären This Rain Will Never Stop. Vi är fortfarande överväldigade av uppslutningen och de 20 841 kr som kom in till […]
/ Community
I arkivet med Beckmans
Filmhuset har flera världsunika arkiv, men många vet inte ens om att de finns. Vi bjöd in Beckmans designhögskola att under fyra veckor utforska och prototypa vad man kan göra med bild- och affischarkivet för att nå ut till en större publik. Kursen leddes av Harald Peter Ström och EY Doberman.  Se mer av projektet […]
/ Community
Sårbarhet och konsten att förverkliga luftslott
Efter att ha tröttnat på modevärlden hittade regissören och stillbildsfotografen Sofia Aedo Zahou sin väg in i filmen. Nu är hon aktuell med dansfilmen A Bath In My Mother’s Womb av den visuella konstnären och koreografen Mona Namér med musik av Little Dragon. Vi satte oss ner i vår nybyggda medlems-lobby på Filmhuset för att […]
/ Community
En vår i Exil
Filmare har, precis som andra konstnärer, försökt skildra och förstå känslan av hemlöshet som många bär med sig. Filmen ger exempel på hur en utifrånblick, som den i exil besitter, kan förändra det universella språk som filmen är. För filmens historia är internationell. Filmare har rest världen runt för att uppfylla sina drömmar långt borta […]
/ Community
Flytta in på Filmhuset?
Nu öppnar vi äntligen upp för fler inom film och rörlig bild att jobba från Filmhuset när vi öppnar vår nya Work Club. Idén om en arbetsplats har ställts på sin spets de senaste åren. Det är inte bara ett behov av ett skrivbord utan ett behov av en mötesplats. En plats att träffa andra […]
/ Community
Myt blir mode
Sen vi flyttade in på Filmhuset har vi varit mer eller mindre besatta av Celsings öga och historien bakom det. Ögat är inbyggt i Filmhusets fasad och historien bakom det sägs vara att när huset byggdes förbjöds arkitekten Peter Celsing att bygga fönster på husets ena kortsida. Anledningen? Risken för spionage, det är nämligen sidan […]
/ Community
Shop shop shop
Dirty Dancing strumpor, Bergman kartor, Lena Nyman posters, Joachim Trier böcker eller vår helt egna Filmhuset-merch? Äntligen har vi öppnat vår nya shop i hjärtat av Filmhuset. Öppettider: Vardagar 10.00-20.00 Helg: 13.00-19.00
/ Community
För ett år sedan flyttade A house in på Filmhuset med uppdraget att göra huset till en levande plats för film och rörlig bild; en självklar mötesplats för branschen. Sedan dess har vi planerat och byggt om, för att äntligen kunna relansera av vår nya foajé och ge en inblick i vad som väntar. Det gjorde vi […]
/ Community
Kraschade drönare och volatil konst
Space follows process. Under några veckor har vi gjort om vår studio till ett residensutrymme. 300m2 betong till fotografering, filminspelning och konst. Ett steg i att öppna upp Filmhuset för Stockholms film- och konstscen. Det har byggts installationer i toaletter, kraschats drönare och tappats färg. Tack till alla medverkande. Åter i ny form 2022. Årets […]
/ Community, Food, Member interview
A conversation with Tzocolate
Hi, A house member Lorielle. Tell us about your latest venture Tzocolaté!We are Sweden’s first and only brand dedicated to Filipino fine flavor chocolates. We are on a mission to tell the complete Filipino chocolate story and invite you to discover its unique flavors and sustainable origins. We celebrate our heritage, salute the labor of […]
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the sixth one; Thinking by doing  The best way to get something done is to start doing it. All innovations need to be materialized to become realized. That’s why we see prototyping and progress – not perfection – […]
/ A journal, Community
A house Event Award Winners 2021
The winner in the category best Collaboration 2020 is Slow Fashion Show in A room  Slow fashion show overwhelming us that February evening with being both edgy, warm and not least responsible, aiming to spread awareness about sustainable fashion and promote eco-friendly ways in production. A room was remarkably transformed into catwalk and left us […]
/ A journal, Community, Member interview
In Conversation with Moving Floor
At A house, we are proud to have such an impressive variety of future protein initiatives. In A sustainable Journal, we are taking the opportunity to get to know them and their thoughts on the future of food. The animal protein industry might not be what first comes to mind when discussing sustainability, due to its contributions to […]
/ A journal, Community, Food, Member interview
In Conversation with Färsking
Hello there A house member Calle at Färsking, you are saying you are ”no junk, just funk”, tell us more about your product! C: For us it’s about creating good products working just as much with the ingredients we choose as the ones we actively avoid. In the case of our 3 granolas, this means […]
/ Community, Event
NUNC Assembly III: Basement9
NUNC Assembly is a thematic symposium with narrative talks, discussions, immersive workshops, and interactive performances. This year we invite participants to “Basement9” discuss and experience the discourse of Power!  NUNC Assembly III is an Alternate-Reality Experience and Hybrid Symposium The Assembly will both take place Live at A house Ark in Stockholm and as a parallel […]
/ A journal, Community, Fashion
Diversity Changemaker!
HELLO Mona, A house member and founder of Fiiri Agency, Scandinavia’s first 360 inclusive model and diverse talent agency for BIPOC! What’s your mission with Fiiri?  FIIRI agency’s mission is to remove the stereotypes that BIPOC don’t make money, shouldn’t work in leadership positions, and are not reliable or accounted for by consumers. We create value for […]
/ A journal, Community, Event
Disey lobby takeover Re:nissage
Starting with a Re:nissage on May 20, we are welcoming legendary graffiti artist Disey to do a ”reuse lobby takeover” at A house Ark. We can’t wait for his creativity to flow as he will be picking pieces from his prized exhibition ”A slice of ways” at Filmhuset earlier this year. ”The important thing is […]
/ A journal, Community
In Conversation with PINC
At A house, we are proud to have such a rich variety of future food initiatives. In A sustainable Journal, we are taking the opportunity to get to know them and their thoughts on the future of food. Today we are talking to Fanny Nachemson, Investment Manager at PINC.  Hi Fanny, what is it that PINC does […]
/ A journal, Community, Food, Member interview
In Conversation with Veat
At A house, we are proud to be surrounded by such an impressive variety of future food initiatives. In A sustainable Journal, we are taking the opportunity to get to know them and their thoughts on the future of food. Today we are talking to Björn Olsson from Veat – great plant-based food in vending […]
/ Community, Member interview
A member story – in conversation with Linus Granborg from Levels
Hi there A house member Linus Granborg, what is it that Levels does?  We pursue brilliant ideas, and turn opportunities into game-changing businesses. Working together with clients as partners, sharing risk and upside resulting in impact beyond business performance. Our DNA is in development, design and venturing.  What is your main focus this year? Boost […]
/ Community
A digital Stage – New streaming studio and stage at A house
A digital Stage is now open for bookings. Our brand new digital streaming studio and stage is located in our brutal venues A stage / A backstage with a private entrance from Uggelviksgatan 2A.  “A digital Stage is a direct result of that solution-oriented digital innovation” The venture is a co-creation between A house Ark […]
/ Community, Member interview
In Conversation with Organic Sweden
At A house, we are proud to have such an impressive variety of future food initiatives. During Sustainable Week, we are taking the opportunity to get to know them and their insightful thoughts on the future of food. Hi Charlotte & Anton, tell us about your fantastic initiative Organic Sweden! Organic Sweden is a member-based non-profit […]
/ Community
Rare vacancy; 58m2 studio available!
Our 58m2 studios have long been one of the most attractive ones. Therefore we are particularly enthusiastic to announce this rare vacancy and looking forward to welcoming new midsize team members to the A house community. Great for teams of 8-12 ppl. You can also combine a studio with a bespoke membership, meaning we can […]
/ Community
In conversation with Jenny Björk
Hi there Jenny! You are the new House Director at A house, what do you dream big of this year?  This year my focus is to be grateful for big and small things in life and make sure to support my inner peace. I also hope to bring more clarity into life. Put simply, to […]
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the fifth one; Rethink, refine, reuse, redesign Since day one, A house has constantly been rethought, refined, reused and redesigned. And that is just how it should be. Iterate and improve. Move forward. Add or adjust. Do more […]
/ A journal, Community, Food
Future Protein Recipe Book
The purpose of this year’s Sustainable Week is for the community to become curious about future protein and how we can use it in our daily cooking. Our goal was for you to feel wiser on where to buy, what to buy, and most importantly, how to use these new veggie proteins. Five food creators […]
/ Community
Graffiti exhibition beyond our expectations
Thank you all for coming and experiencing the breathtaking graffiti art of Disey this weekend! Even though the queue outside was cold we felt so much warmth and gratefulness to be able to host this Vernissage. A huge thanks to Disey for making the walls of the old Theatre at Filmhuset come to life. We […]
/ Community
Vilma Zammel om lediga studios och det bästa med att vara en del av A house community
Hej Vilma! Du ansvarar försäljning av våra olika medlemskap. Vad är det bästa med att få introducera nya medlemmar till A house Community?  Det bästa är att få välkomna in nya personligheter och kompetenser till huset som sedan på sitt eget vis bidrar till vårt levande community. Det är roligt att få in nya medlemmar […]
/ A journal, Community
5 minuter med Tua Asplund
Tua Asplund, vd, delägare och medgrundare av A House på Östermalm. I år vill hon drömma stort igen och börjar värdigt med att öppna A House Filmhuset. I övrigt äter Tua gärna piggvar på Bobonne, och sympatiserar starkt med Helen Billgrens tatuering. Handen på hjärtat – vilken är den mest Östermalmstypiska vanan du har?– Det […]
/ Community
A slice of ways – I ett mellanrum med Graffitikonstnären Disey
Vad gör man med en lokal i mellanrummet mellan inflytt och ombyggnation? Under två veckors tid har graffitikonstnären Disey, en legendar inom sin subkultur, fått producera sitt konstverk “A slice of ways” på Filmhuset. “Att ta över ett rum och att helt få utöva sin konstnärliga frihet är en unik möjlighet för mig som konstnär. […]
/ Community
Bespoke – Det skräddarsydda medlemskapet
För bara några år sedan var begreppet ”coworking” så gott som nytt i Sverige. Sedan dess har mycket hänt på marknaden och utbudet av olika typer av coworks har exploderat. I spåren av coronakrisen ser vi vad vi tror blir nästa stora skifte. Vi har vant oss vid att jobba hemifrån och kontoret blir platsen anställda och […]
/ A journal, Community
Därför är vi trogna 70-talet – möt A house kreativa chef Richard Hammarskiöld
Brutalism, betong och en gammal Arkitekturskola. Det finns många därute som rynkar på näsan av bara synen på betongblocket som upptar ett helt kvarter på Östermalm sedan 1969. A house medlemmar tycks inte dela den uppfattningen. Många menar att det bästa med brutalismens betong är att den inte förskönar, en slags motvikt till det perfekta […]
/ Community
Member Quotes 2020
We asked our members what A house vision ”A refined machine for creative development” meant to them and we are overwhelmed, at times amused and often impressed by the creativity and honesty of their responses. Thank you for contributing to our community! Here is a selection of heartwarming and enlightening quotes from the Member Survey […]
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the fourth one; “Space follows process” Space matters. Innovation is a complex process with different physical needs during different phases. That’s why. A house strives to develop a flexible and dynamic environment, where different spaces are tailored to […]
/ Community
A current Situation with Annika Jankell
Annika, what is your perspective on the development in your industry?  A: Creative people and minds can often adjust to unexpected situations. If you’re willing to accept the current situation you will survive by keep on trying to open new doors and see possibilities. “Cut the crap – take care of important relations and nature” […]
/ Community
Thank you Växthuset, Moonica Mac and Vinstereo for co-creating a most needed magic October evening in our basement photographed by Margarita Kradjian. A black door is an occasional speakeasy club at A house in Stockholm. Three creators within food, wine and music are brought together to make these intimate evenings unforgettable. Behind A black door, deep […]
/ Community
Sophie by Sophie Sample Sale
Sophie by Sophie säljer klassiska smycken med en twist i rodiumpläterat eller guldpläterat silver med äkta pärlor och stenar.  På vår sample sale kommer det finnas halsband, armband, örhängen och ringar från tidigare kollekter men även erbjudanden på vårt ordinarie sortiment. Vi har även ett fint utbud av 18 karat och diamantsmycken.  En perfekt present, julklapp […]
/ Community
New studios in the making at A house
We are excited to announce that we are in the making of new studios for smaller teams (2-15 pers), accessible from November 2020. Also 56m2 and 95m2 will be available. Having seen a demand for smaller spaces from companies looking for a creative community to grow in, we decided to transfer 400m2 into a brand […]
/ Community
A current Situation with Fredrik Franzon
What is your perspective on the development in your industry? BAUX operates in the global interior design industry and the reaction from the pandemic was instant and quite urgent. Many projects were put on hold and some were cancelled immediately. The incoming request for new projects also went down quite drastically this spring.  It now […]
/ Community
As Works by Friends is entering a new market, we want to explore our new habitat and its artist and creative scene. For years, Stockholm has built its reputation as being a hub for innovative businesses, leading fashion brands and a forward-thinking music industry. But what does the city’s art scene really look like? In […]
/ Community
So, this just happened: Hint Session #01
What are Human Key Figures – and how can they impact the future journey of companies, customers and society? Last night A house members Hint [] hosted their first moderated conversation on shared future opportunities, in A kitchen. A kitchen – a space for new conversations In this Hint Session, relating to their newly released […]
/ Community, Event, Members only
Nu öppnar OMAKA
Nu är det äntligen dags för invigningen av hela OMAKA, den 2 september slår OMAKA upp dörrarna för allmänheten. Det blir en blandning av konst och design, restaurang, bar, bryggeri, uteservering och ölträdgård. Innan den allmänna öppningen vill vi passa på att bjuda in dig som arbetar i huset på AW med förmånliga priser i […]
/ Community
Travelmag listing A house as one of the best coworking spaces in Stockholm
A house is one of the 10 best coworking spaces in Stockholm, according to Travelmag. We are very honored to be on the list along with our amazing friends in the business. Travelmag on A house: “Billed as a cultural den for freelancers, entrepreneurs and established companies within the fashion, media, food and music industry, […]
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the third one; “Creation requires recreation” We believe that creation requires recreation. As people are our most powerful creative tool, we need to embrace their needs as human beings. All work and no play makes anyone a dull […]
/ Community
Nya trenden inom kontor: “smart sizing”
Hur viktig är den fysiska arbetsplatsen för anställda? Just nu letar många företag svar på den frågan i spåren av coronakrisen. A house ger sin syn på saken och lanserar samtidigt en nyhet inom coworking. A house, en mötesplats för små och medelstora kreativa företagare inom musik, mat, mode och medier, har haft bråda dagar […]
/ Community
NxtChapter pt.3 / A stage
NxtChapter pt.3 with Lilla Namo in A stage
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the second one; “Sharing problems, not just solutions” As others preoccupy themselves with only sharing new solutions, we strive to understand and share problems. Why? Because one relevant problem can generate 1000 solutions. It is simply the greatest […]
/ Community
A current Situation with Fredrik Kempe
What is your perspective on the development in your industry and what is your guess, how long will this last?  In our industry, air masks, the demand has been larger than the supply. “We are very humble to the situation” For us, as for most other companies producing masks, this has caused a large pressure […]
/ Community
Nxt Chapter – A yard
Nxt Chapter rocking social distancing in A yard. 📸 Carla Orrego Veli
/ A journal, Community
A house sustainability work
A house is taking climate change highly seriously and we have done a genuine work to develop a long-term sustainability mission that the A house team believe in. Here are some of the actions that we work with to make a change; – A house contributes to the sharing economy by joining people together under […]
/ Community
Brand new spaces for work and retail
We live in interesting times, and the usually bustling atmosphere at A house has temporarily shifted to a more tranquil vibe. But don’t let the calm on the surface fool you. There is a lively activity going on in the community, and a number of architectonic projects underway. “A wing is a stunning addition to the […]
/ Community
Throwback to “Memories of Arkitekturskolan” by Lars Noren
We are proud, honored, and forever inspired by the words written for us by Lars Norén in 2015; In a country very nearly terrified by the spectre of both material and spiritual rupture, the new Arkitekturskolan (School of Architecture) building was seen as an expression of naked barbarism, an almost Soviet testament to what we […]
/ A journal, Community
At A house, we have 7 principles making us a refined machine for creative development, this is the first one; “Community is our most important creative tool” People are creative, machines aren’t. (Yet.) That’s why we evaluate technology, spaces and initiatives based on their ability to stimulate people and human interaction. As a member, this […]
/ A journal, Community
A current Situation with Hedda Spendrup
What is your perspective on the development in your industry? Despite all the tragedy and sad circumstances, I can see a new sort of creativity and a drive that I have not seen before. Many breweries push for medium strong beer or non-alcoholic beer, selling in new ways using other channels then what they usually […]
/ Community
A current situation with Tua Asplund
-CEO at A house Tua, what is your perspective on the development in your industry? Communities are more important than ever. We have worked hard to build an environment where people feel recognized, energized and inspired. Creative industries, the gig economy and startups in particular are currently facing extremely hard times. As a co-work operator […]
/ Community
AMA with @memefulness (swe)
-Hej och välkommen @Memefulness , fett att du ställer upp på A house AMA!Hur mår du? -HEJ Franco! Jag mår toppen. Sol och kaffe på uteservering. Kan inte klaga. Hur mår du? Q – Memekonton känns som om att det har gått från tangentbordsploj till faktiskt engagerade, nutida humoristiska konton. Vad fick dig att börja?A […]
/ Community
A current situation with Henna Keränen
– Head of Strategic Partnerships & Digital Marketing at Sting What is your perspective on the development in the start-up community? Can you name an industry or specific company that you think have managed well to innovate and adjust fast in the current situation? Of course, the crisis has affected startups when suddenly, customers are […]
/ A house AMA, Community
AMA with Felix “Deadwood” von Bahder (swe)
Hej Felix och VÄLKOMMEN till A house AMA!Hur är läget? Alltså tack! Läget är asbra. Hemmakontoret kokar! Q – Vad fick dig att börja med mode inom läder? A – Jag har alltid varit sjukt intresserad av kläder, startade en vintagebutik på Mosebacke med en polare för massa år sedan. Började experimentera med att göra nya […]
/ Community
A current situation with
Head of brand strategy at Grow + Digitalist What good can come out of this? What mindset should we adopt? For one, this situation is really forcing everyone to think outside the box. We’re realizing that if we really need to do something in a different way, we can. And that we’re not as set […]
Filmhuset / Interview
Det är samma bläck
Manusförfattare, dramatiker och poet. Meron Mangashas texter rör sig mellan musiklagd poesi som ”Blått blod” till teater och dramatik, senast med föreställningen ”Mellan två våningar”. Vi bad honom berätta om sina kommande projekt, manusets mekanik kontra poesins romantik och att tävla i tystnad. Hur är läget och vad jobbar du med just nu? — Bra, […]
/ Community
A house CEO Tua Asplund
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?To me it is a celebration of equal rights! Boys and girls should enjoy the same rights and opportunities in life; we need to celebrate and highlight girls especially on international women’s day until they do. Which female A house member do you want to highlight extra today?I […]
/ Community
We are looking for our next lobby star!
Service Manager – A house 50% Starting ASAP As service manager at A house, you are a naturally open and service minded person. We are looking for a doer that enjoys ticking endless to-do lists, multi-tasking and solving people’s problems. Also, you need to be a team player and speak Swedish and English fluently. As […]
/ Community, Media
A conversation with
A community is all about serendipity. “A conversation with” is a serie of member talks by me Tua Asplund, A house CEO and partner, having no expectations on our conversation nor providing with any predefined questions, letting the member lead the topic. At times, the conversation will naturally be in Swedish. Lydia Kellam – Frilansande digital strateg […]
/ Community
Mateus clearance sale
Do you love a great plate? Then this is the clearance sale for you. Mateus sells selected products from the entire range. Both classics and surprises. You’ll find all the info you need in their facebook event >>
/ Community
Photos from A yard party
We want to send some love to everyone who came to A yard party. Best vibes ever! Also a big big big thanks to Gigital who gave us awesome live performances (by Bahjat and Visiteur), to Pistonhead and Naia for providing us with beverages, and to MDJ Produktion for being our tech pros. Have a […]
/ Community, Food
A house x PINC: Future Food
A House and PINC present the Future Food concept, a collaboration around the food of the future. In the fridge next to the entrance, A house members are invited to explore novel and innovative products at a convenient price. “We are finding new, inspiring products all the time. As a curious, forward-thinking consumer, this is […]
/ Community
Exhibition: Målar du nåt fult så målar jag över
The artist-couple Jacqueline Östlind and Thomas OKOK Gunnarsson have been painting together since the fall of 2018. They work with ink, crayons and markers on paper and they paint on canvas with acrylics, spray and tape. Both abstract and figurative. When their two separate styles meet, new visual landscapes are discovered. The painting process, usually […]
/ Community, Member interview, Yoga & Mindfulness
Meet A house yoga teacher & member Dag Tolstoy
Hi Dag, what is it that you do here at A house when not being a yoga teacher? I work at Relate. We are trying to create a more conscious world through awareness of personal values. It’s really good stuff! Everyone should reflect on their personal values. What makes you happy in your everyday? Tell […]
/ Community, Uncategorized
Sub Roller Disco
A House members are welcome to the third edition of the Sub Roller Disco! Once again they will take over A verkstad for a funky evening of Roller Disco. Get your tickets through the Billetto link, roller skates & arcade games are included. For extra good price use promotion code: FUNKY-AHOUSE Ticket link >> Nice […]
/ Community
Jireel music video
The music video for Swedish artist Jireel’s new track “Alla mina” was recorded in A verkstad.
/ Community
Byond Breakfast
In this interactive breakfast session we will explore how yesterday’s thinking is limiting tomorrow’s businesses. Connect with like-minded creative leaders, have the opportunity to explore fundamentals of creative collaboration and take away rich insights. Facilitated by BYOND founder Neo Moreton. Special guest is Anna Tengwall, Manager Brand Strategy at Grow, sharing her unique take on […]
/ Community
AW & Vernissage: Jacob Dahlgren
Exhibition of the world-renowned artist Jacob Dahlgren’s prints Constructing a New World in the A house lobby, in the presence of the artist. Runs through November. The exhibition is a collaboration between A house member Articulate Press and ed. art. RSVP here pls >
/ Community
Lilla Namo release – A kitchen
Pictures by Camilla Cherry
/ Community
“Osynliga Teatern” at A house
Thank you Osynliga teatern for using our space in the most thoughtful and beautiful way possible. Seeing, or being, your show Slutet was something special one will remember until the bitter end. Photos by Rossi Milja Read SvDs thoughts right here >
/ Community
Are you A house new Community Manager & Communications deputy?
Full time 1 year maternity leave replacement starting November 15 / Welcome to apply before 15/10! A house is a refined machine for creative development within fashion, food and media – a member’s house where solopreneurs and larger corporations work side by side. Constantly fueled by programming with talks, seminars and events. The location, a […]
/ Community
Galleria Peroni
5th floor Starcase B –  Contemporary photography art exhibition at A house. Open in May 2018 Wednesday – Friday 11.00-16.00. Welcome to stop by!
/ Community
Are you A house new Community Manager / Receptionist?
Receptionist / Community Manager Starting August 2018  We are now looking for our next lobby star taking charge of the A house front desk. As receptionist and community manager you are open minded, love people and have a great deal of patience. You are administrative, structured and love order. A doer that enjoys ticking endless to-do […]
/ Community, Fashion
By Malina / Soft Goat Sample Sale
Vi säljer ut plagg från gamla kollektioner samt samples av; dam- och herrkläder i cashmere, klänningar, blusar och brudklänningar med mera. Adress: A house (ingång från Uggelviksgatan 2A)T-Bana Tekniska Högskolan. Öppettider:Fredag den 23 mars 07.00-18.00Lördag den 24 mars 09.00-18.00 Vi tar endast emot betalningar via kort eller SWISH. Välkommen!
/ Community
A house Discrimination & Harassment Policy
A house goal as a community is to create an eco-system for individuals, enterprises and academies built on diversity, equality and sustainability. This environment shall nourish a climate filled with acceptance, transparency and inspiration which gives energy and creates a feeling that everything is possible. A workplace for all kinds, where each and every one […]
/ Community, Fashion, Food, Media
400m2 studio now available at A house
A house members all have a thing for brutalism and the community way of seeking innovation. We are a one of a kind mix of larger companies, smaller teams and solopreneurs. Are you into food, fashion or media? Welcome to apply for the 400m2 studio membership>For questions please contact The membership includes: Being a part […]
/ Community
Prototypa is an articulation of where design is heading, an initiative by Form Us With Love and moderator Lia Forslund.  Join us at A house co-working space, during Stockholm Design Week for a series of exhibitions and talks that unveils the design process behind Form Us With Love’s latest collaborations. Three days, three talks:6-7-8 FebruaryCocktail […]
/ Community
Protest Paintings in A lobby until 31/12
Statement by Harry Woodrow I have an unwavering curiosity and sense of wonder about the world, but I’m often left disappointed, frustrated and perplexed by the lack of imagination shown in how my fellow humans express themselves, both to themselves and to others. These responses trigger my attempts to use visual joy and a serious […]
/ Community
Meet member Lydia Kellam
Hi Lydia, what is it that you do?  With a passion for people, culture and society I help brands, agencies and organizations with social media marketing, digital strategy and content marketing. As a freelancer I wear many hats; but my favourite roles are content strategist, workshop leader and teacher. Since I started my business almost […]
/ Community
Grand opening of Harry Woodrows protest paintings. You might remember the man with a mirror cube on his head..? That’s Harry Woodrow. Harry himself, beer, wine and non alcoholics will be available. Warm welcome. Please use the rsvp link to tell us that you’re coming. See you on Thursday!
/ Community, Event
A atelier turned into a secret garden
For sure, one of the most mind blowing settings we’ve seen this year in A atelier. Thank you Polarn & Pyret for showing us that this event space is perfect for crating spectacular sites. A atelier on the 5th floor, quite the opposite to it’s lower more brutal cousin A verkstad, is a space that makes you feel […]
/ Community
Framtidslabbet på Politikerveckan Järva
A House/A Lab tar tillsammans med Svenska Dagbladet ett gemensamt grepp kring några av samtidens viktigaste frågor. Under en serie möten – med samtal, workshops, hearings och summits – startar vi nu en dialog och innehållsbyggande process för framtidens viktigaste beslut. Starten sker på Politikerveckan Järva, ett initiativ som ska minska avståndet mellan politiker och […]
/ Community
Den första konstutställningen
A house första konstutställning hänger hela sommaren (slut sista augusti)! Konstnärerna Carsten Höller, Hans Kvam, Anna von Hausswolff och Carl Michael von Hausswolff pryder lobbyn, mötesrummen och ljudlabbet. Prislista finns tillgänglig på plats.
/ Community
Kleerup Release Recapture & Vernissage- tack!
En magisk afton på A house. Jan Åman var glad som en speleman. För konsten. För musiken. Kleerup var också glad, han är ju speleman. Ett intimt, speciellt event med innegården som badade i sol, Carl Michael von Hausswolffs mystik i det råa ljudlabbet och en akustisk Kleerup i ett hörn i lobbyn. Gästerna var […]
/ Community
Make it last loppmarknad – tack till alla som ställde upp
Kön ringlade sig långt ner på Karlavägen i söndags. Det kändes fantastiskt att kunna låna ut vår eventyta, A verkstad till detta mäktiga event – make it last. Mängder av fashionistor ville fynda mode till förmån för Kvinnocenter i Tensta-Hjulsta. Kvinnocenter var även på plats och försåg oss med söta och salta bakverk. Make it […]
/ Community
Geek girl meet up på A house 
Vi rör oss allt snabbare in i framtiden. Med artificiell intelligens och nanoteknik har vi gjort science fiction till vardag och vi hittar ständigt nya sätt att leva, uppleva världen på och connecta med varandra. Årets tema är Geek Evolution och på rikseventet för Geek Girl Meetup 2017 samlas vi för att diskutera, utmana och […]
/ Community
MR Cake opening on Friday!
On Friday September 8th, at 7.30 am in the morning, Roy and Mattias will open up the doors to bakery heaven. MR Cake will nourish our growing A house community and we are thrilled that they have chosen A house to open their café. Visiting adress will be Rådmansgatan 12. Roy Fares and Mattias Ljungbergs purpose […]
/ Community
Meet Tua Asplund Hyllienmark
COO / Partner at A house – Talk with me about A house development process and the overall experience at A house. Favorite place at A house – A house acoustic, this brutalistic – no one can hear you scream – bunker, 50m2 with high seilings. Used for occasional art exhibitions and as a wow […]
/ Community
Design Sweden 60 Years
Welcome to celebrate Design Sweden 60 Years with an evening of talks by some of Sweden’s leading designers and creatives. As well as mingeling and celebration! Our theme is Purpose.Why do we do what we do?Why are we designers?How is this playing a part in our careers? The event is FREE. Sign up following the […]
/ Community
A house warming party 6/4
The house warming will take place in our new brutal space called A Verkstad. Come celebrate this new era with us, El Perro del Mar, food trucks, drinks and more. Follow the link to join the guest list.
/ Community
Lobby After Work
A house gathering members and friends for beer in collaboration with Folkölsbutiken. Get to know our members and their dreams. Friendly people and prices. Welcome!“Johan Palo och Johan Ekfeldt startade Folkölsbutiken sommaren 2016. En härlig butik fylld med smarrig lågalkoholigig dryck från norden. Drick gott, slipp bakfyllan!”
/ Community
Hack Lounge #200
Every Wednesday we lounge hack. This wednesday will actually be the 200:d time we lounge hack. Quite a few startups have spent their initial time on Lounge Hackers. Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Spotify, Magine, King and hackers from other amazing companies have all been there.   Bring your own project or idea and celebrate with us […]
/ Community
Simon Strand Inställd
Simon Strand? Inställd? På A house? Redan 1913 började idén om utställningen som fenomen att komma på skam, genom ett cykelhjul som ställdes in i en ateljé. Konsten har sedan dess pendlat mellan en vilja bryta mot de fasta ramarna och konstmarknadens behov att sälja utställda objekt. Nu det dags att ta steget förbi den […]
/ Community
We have moved to the opposite wing!
The next step of our journey is here! Between christmas and new years we have moved the front desk and lobby to our new entrance at Östermalmsgatan 26a, 114 26 Stockholm. So exiting to welcome new members and to enter a new era in A house history! Soon, new raw event spaces will be up […]
/ Community
Happy AW Yoga
STOCKHOLMS GLADASTE after work är här för att ge dig bästa starten på helgen – en kombination av aw och yoga! Fredag den 18 november är du välkommen till A House för yoga och juicedrinkar till funky beats. Med oss har vi en av Sveriges främsta yogisar – Anna Hultman och våra vänner från Naked […]

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