Börshuset, 2025-01-02

“We like it when what we do contributes to real displacement and value creation.”

COMMUNITY. Although it was a bit of a coincidence that Hummingbirds the Hybrid Agency found their way to A house at the beginning of the pandemic, it feels like fate! In their studio at Ark, you’ll find 15 creative problem solvers, strategic thinkers and flexible team players. Meet two of them – Mia Nilsson and Clas Vingård.

Hi Mia and Clas! Tell us about your story?

– Our hybrid agency was founded 20 years ago and today we are established as a trusted partner for both local and international brands. We mix creativity and strategy to produce tailor-made communication and design solutions for market leaders and startups alike.

How would you describe your agency in three words?

– Creative, strategic, flexible (and likeable!)

Where do you find inspiration?

– The list is long! Film, music, art, technology, architecture, food, drink and travel. Other industries, talented competitors, history, meeting new people – well, the list goes on…

What is the talk of the town right now?

– Of course, there is a lot of talk about AI and hyper-personalization.

What is A house for you?

– Just what it should be – a destination for creative development and exciting encounters.

Tell us about a dream job!

– We like it when what we do contributes to real displacement and value creation, both for our clients and society at large. We have a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline! Many focused on strategic movement and branding.

What are you most proud of?

– Our staff and the value we create for our clients.

Where around Ark do you prefer to have lunch?

– Tengu and Balzac.

What are your favorite apps?

– ChatGPT and BankID.

What music is played in your office?

– It’s a blissful mix – the music is as varied as our creative ideas! One minute we’re singing along to Swedish classics, the next it’s synthpop and reggae. We probably have a playlist for every mood, and sometimes play all genres in one day!

Best tip for pep and inspiration in the winter darkness?

– Fill your calendar with fun stuff and invite friends and family over!

If Hummingbirds had done something completely different from what you do today, what would it have been?

_ Then we would have run a luxurious and well-packaged boutique hotel in Italy with extra everything. (Clas: Then we would have driven innovation and development in some other context.)