Ark, 2020-08-27
So, this just happened: Hint Session #01
What are Human Key Figures – and how can they impact the future journey of companies, customers and society? Last night A house members Hint [hintpartners.com] hosted their first moderated conversation on shared future opportunities, in A kitchen.
A kitchen – a space for new conversations
In this Hint Session, relating to their newly released report Hjärnåldern (The Brain Age), the topic of Human Key Figures had business leaders from multiple industries meet around the dinner table to share thoughts, challenges and possibilities connected to what awaits beyond key financial figures.
Culinary mastermind Martin Berg of ARKET cooked up a plant-based fiest, Professor Micael Dahlen (Stockholm School of Economics) shared his knowledge together with representatives from Polestar, Interflora, Axfoundation, AMF Fastigheter, Novus, Noquo Foods, Relate, TUI, Svenskt Tenn and Motivationslyftet.
To learn more about Hint and their work on making sense for, in and of the future – don’t hesitate getting in touch. johan@hintpartners.com
A kitchen – a space for new conversations.