Punch card

With our digital punch card A punch card you get 10 day passes to any A house lobby. It is suitable for those who need a change of scenery or a place to take meetings from, where Wi-Fi, organic coffee and tea are included. You buy and download the punch card to your phone’s Wallet at the reception of the chosen destination.


ArkSEK 2,250/10 days (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm)
BörshusetSEK 1 500/10 days (Mon-Fri 8-17)
Katarina HouseSEK 3 000/10 days (Mon-Fri 8-17)
The movie house900 SEK/10 days (Mon-Fri 8-17)
Prices excluding VAT.
Steg 1 av 3

Fyll i dina kontaktuppgifter så kontaktar vi dig!

Tack, vi hör av oss!

Vill du testa att jobba från en av våra destinationer så länge? Skanna QR koden eller klicka här!

Något fick fel, försök igen eller kontakta oss via telefon eller mail. Make sure you entered all needed fields

We process your information in accordance with our privacy policy

All this is included in our punch cards

Staffed reception weekdays 08-17

Access to the lobby

Coffee from Stockholm Roast and Joe’s tea

Kiosk with lunch offer

Wi-Fi / access to printers

Telephone booth

Quiet room (Ark)

Inner courtyard (Ark)

Mail handling

Dogs are welcome

Part of our community

As a member, you get access to activities that make it easy to find new collaborations. Breakfast, yoga, lectures and AW are some examples.