Sickla Central

Smedjegatan 25, Sickla

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Opening in 2025.

As Stockholm continues to expand in all directions, new subway stations are being added. Next to the upcoming Sickla station, our next destination, Sickla Central, is being constructed – a spectacular building with 23 floors. A place where the city pulse meets the beautiful nature of Nacka.

Sickla Central is part of Atrium Ljungberg’s major initiative Stockholm Wood City – the world’s largest urban development project using wood. Sustainability is at the top of the agenda, and the plans are ambitious. The area’s climate impact will be minimized through stored, self-produced, and shared energy supply. In addition to the environmental benefits of choosing wood as a building material, the office-focused development in the area will shorten commuting times for many who live south of the city.

At A house, sustainability has always been a cornerstone. That’s why we are excited to welcome members to our most climate-smart destination yet in 2025.


Contact us

Smedjegatan 25, 131 54 Sickla


A house Sickla Central

Restaurant, bar


