Katarinahuset, 2024-07-08
Music Sweden gathers in A house Katarinahuset – opens on September 2
The A house members’ club, known for its creative work environments in Östermalm, Gärdet and the Slakthus area, is opening its biggest venture ever in Katarinahuset by Slussen.
The new establishment offers 600 jobs and will be home to the music companies’ trade association Ifpi, which organizes the Grammisgala. It is now clear that the legendary record store Pet Sounds is moving in by opening a music and wine bar in A house Katarinahuset.
The news that Pet Sounds will open a new bar, twelve years after the old Pet Sounds Bar on Skånegatan closed, has previously been leaked in several media. But it has not been revealed where or how – until now. The new bar will open at the same time as A house Katarinahuset, on September 2.
“Since A house was founded, we have always been a part of the cultural and creative industries, which distinguishes us from many other places that only offer offices. To be able to contribute to the reopening of Pet Sounds Bar is something we are very proud of, and having them in our premises is a fantastic addition,” says Johan Almquist, CEO of A house. Almquist has a background in the music industry: he has previously been in the management of Pophouse and worked at MTV.
“We are incredibly happy to be able to reopen the bar. We have missed it as much as our old guests and shop regulars have,” says Niklas Berg, CEO of Pet Sounds and former restaurant manager of Pet Sounds Bar. This time, however, it is Johan Lindgren, a wine-savvy record company profile with a background at Sony and Universal, who will run the bar together with the record store.
“This is a perfect chance to combine wine and music for real. In the great lack of centrally located live venues in Stockholm that link tavern and music, we have found the perfect home in A house Katarinahuset. We will have a solid wine list, good beer, high quality food, DJs, many live performances and music quizzes. We will approach music, drinks and food with the same strong passion,” says Johan Lindgren.
The food concept is international with a varied menu consisting of seafood, meat, fish and salads. Pet Sounds Bar will serve wine and dinner 16-00 Tuesday to Saturday. It will also be open from 08 on weekdays, serving breakfast and lunch. The venue has a capacity for 150 people, including 70 seats.
A house already operates in the former School of Architecture in Östermalm and in Börshuset in the Slakthus area as member clubs with coworking, program and event activities. In all its establishments, A house works to bridge workplaces with culture and creativity, as well as food and drink. In the new A house Katarinahuset, one of the largest community and coworking initiatives in the Nordic region, the music industry’s presence will be strong, but also mixed with other industries.
“When Slussen changes from a traffic hub to a meeting place, Katarinahuset will become the artery of the new Slussen, where many people will work. It is a big difference from before, that the new Slussen will be a hub for the creative business community,” says Johan Almquist.