Börshuset, 2024-11-15
Challenging the coffee industry
Join us at Stockholm Roast. Here, the cup is served less than a meter from the coffee roaster that transforms hand-picked green, rock-hard beans into crisp, brown gold. If you go close, you can hear the beans popping like popcorn, and founders Johan and Øner’s eccentric enthusiasm echoes throughout the room. This is where we bring home all the coffee we drink at A house.
Hi there! How would you describe Stockholm Roast in three words?
– Interesting, studio, uncompromising.
Can you tell us a little bit about your trip?
– For us, coffee was a natural next step from working in kitchens and coffee shops. In 2010 we traveled to India for research where we visited Balmadii Estate and the Coffee Board of India. That’s where the idea of Stockholm Roast came about and the following year we were off and running! We wanted to work with dedicated producers and bring their thoughts on cultivation and cultivation directly to the coffee cup. The core has always been and is the raw material.
In 2016 we participated in the Tokyo Coffee Festival and it was a success, which led to us helping to start up Stockholm Roast Tokyo the following year – a roastery and coffeeshop located in a 100-year-old wooden house in the center of Tokyo. In 2020, we moved our roastery from Jordbro to Slakthusområdet where we built Stockholm Roast Studio and in 2023 we opened Bar Montan right next door.
What are your future plans?
– We want to continue developing Stockholm Roast into a full-scale studio here in Slakthusområdet, buy a bigger roaster and deliver more coffee to the people!
Where do you find inspiration?
– We are inspired by artists, philosophers and craftsmen.
According to Johan and Øners, every coffee-growing country has its interesting producers – and they in turn have a unique taste. Stockholm Roast finds those nuances and emphasizes them in the roasting process. Next to the roasting machine is a sack of their new parade coffee, where both aroma and taste can truly be described as unique.
– It’s a crazy coffee from a new partner in Colombia, fermented with wine yeast and dried peach.
Which coffee has been most popular in 2024?
– Transatlantic, an omni roast for espresso or filter from Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza outside Sao Paulo.
You are also behind many people’s new favorite place in Slaktis, the critically acclaimed food bar Bar Montan, which opened last spring. Is this where you can be found on AW?
– That’s right! And after the new year, we will resume our “After Roast”, where we offer drinks, food and hang out all around the venue at Stockholm Roast.
Coffee at dinner – yes or no?
– Of course yes! However, it is always a little different which variety suits the occasion.
Which taste bud is most important?
– Umami.
What coffee trends do you predict for 2025?
– Filter coffee with distinct original flavors from Kenya, Ethiopia and Colombia.
How many cups a day?
– Actually only two in the morning, the rest of the day is spent testing little mouths of everything all the time!
What would you be like to deal with if you were without coffee for a whole day?
– Confused.
What is the strangest coffee you have tried?
– Monkey parchment. Monkeys ate the pulp of the reddest coffee berries and spat out the core, which was picked, dried, roasted and we then drank!
Welcome to experience Stockholm Roast’s artisan coffee at Hallvägen 9 Slakthusområdet, right next to A house Börshuset.