Ark, 2021-01-12
5 minutes with Tua Asplund
Tua Asplund, CEO, co-owner and co-founder of A House in Östermalm. This year she wants to dream big again and starts with dignity by opening A House Filmhuset. Otherwise, Tua likes to eat turbot at Bobonne, and strongly sympathizes with Helen Billgren’s tattoo.
By heart – what is the most Östermalm-typical habit you have?
– It’s a toss-up between reading Dagens Industri and enjoying the privilege of walking to work.
What are you spending your working hours on right now?
– I am on the advisory board of Navet Sthlm, an all-female owner-managed agency for design and spatial design of both private homes and public environments. I am also involved in Gather Festival in 2021, a platform, conference and festival that, like A House, brings together creative industries.
What’s happening at A House in spring?
– The big thing that is happening is that we are in full planning to launch A House Filmhuset, our second location. Just like at the start of the School of Architecture, we are developing it based on the existing design and place identity and with a focus on bringing to life an interesting place for creative industries, inviting our networks and building a strong community, this time for film and moving images. At the School of Architecture, we focus on food, fashion, media, music.
Of all the things you did last year, what are you most proud of?
– I am most proud of the A House team, fantastically committed individuals who have all shown great courage in standing strong, building community and being culture bearers despite difficult challenging times. They are strongly socially committed and aware both in terms of the pandemic but also in structural problems around diversity and gender equality where we as a community have the responsibility and opportunity to do much more. I am also very proud that we have been entrusted with bringing Filmhuset to life, pinching myself that we have the opportunity to expand.
What TV series/podcast are you currently following that you would recommend?
– Podcast is not my media, zooms out pretty fast. As for moving: The TV series I May Destroy You – is the most urgent and innovative and complete.
What character trait of yours are you most proud of?
– My (mostly) appreciated frankness, a trait in direct descent.
What character trait in others do you appreciate most?
– Drive rooted in pathos with a large dose of integrity and a dash of humility.
Where do you prefer to eat dinner in Östermalm?
– Brasserie Bobonne on Storgatan. A restaurateur-owned, family-owned, hyper-knowledgeable and stock-conservative restaurant that has just opened both an intimate bar and a chambre separee next door.
What are you ordering?
– Vol-au-vent, turbot, and anything with Ingela’s (the owner’s) crème anglaise.
Who is Östermalm’s most stylish woman/man?
– Helene Billgren, very handsome woman. Above all, her tattoo reflects a time in life where I am right now. Something mundane and ingenious – a shopping list.
Favorite street / neighborhood in Östermalm?
– Definitely A House neighborhood, exciting, growing in the heart of Östermalm with OMAKA, Mr Cake, Ett Hem, Loyal Gallery, Babette and more and more (as yet unannounced) on the way.
New Year’s resolutions, or perhaps hopes?
– Allow a free flow of thoughts and start dreaming big again.
What does a perfect Saturday look like?
– A long breakfast, yoga and reading the newspaper – a utopia with a 2 year old so I say go sledding with him instead.
What are you doing this weekend?
– I’m isolated with my immediate family in our mountain cabin, enjoying pink skies, lots of snow and -28 C …
Tell us a secret!
– We will open A house Filmhuset in the fall of 2021 and there will be many secrets revealed during the spring for those who choose to follow us on the journey!
By Sofie Zettergren