A workplace

Our members are part of a creative community with a focus on fashion, food, music and media. We provide a context in which you can be who you are and do what you do, and where the choice of how much you want to participate in the community is up to you.

<!– wp:acf/ahouse-repeater { "id": "block_603f9b05d88c6", "name": "acf\/ahouse-repeater", "data": { "title": "Work together,
or on your own.”, ”_title”: ”field_5e6f53080b239”, ”text”: ”Or work on your own together with others. At A house you can rent private offices for a few employees up to a few hundred, work from the lobby on a day-to-day basis, join the work club or anything in between. ”, ”_text”: ”field_5e82e62a3d88b”, ”rows_0_image”: 8311, ”_rows_0_image”: ”field_5e679be3aed8d”, ”rows_0_title”: ”One day pass & Week Pass”, ”_rows_0_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_0_subtitle”: ”350 sek\/day & 850 sek\/week (Mon-Fri 8-17)”, ”_rows_0_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_0_text”: ”Need a change of scenery or somewhere to work from momentarily? We offer a pleasant and focused work environment on a day-to-day basis for as many days as you need. Choose between the energetic lobby or the quiet area, bring visitors for meetings, and help yourself to Sthlm Roast Coffee, an assortment of quality teas and flavored ice-water. Meeting rooms can be booked separately.”, ”_rows_0_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_0_fullwidth”: ”0”, ”_rows_0_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows_1_image”: 9875, ”_rows_1_image”: ”field_5e679be3aed8d”, ”rows_1_title”: ”Lobby member”, ”_rows_1_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_1_subtitle”: ”2500 sek \/ month (always open)”, ”_rows_1_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_1_text”: ”Lobby members enjoy the flexibility of always picking the spot that best fits their daily schedule; a low table for relaxed meetings, a chair at the community table, or a secluded spot in the quiet area. Bookable and pop-in meeting rooms, printers and other amenities are included.”, ”_rows_1_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_1_fullwidth”: ”0”, ”_rows_1_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows”: 2, ”_rows”: ”field_5e679bafaed8a”, ”layout”: ”grid-2”, ”_layout”: ”field_5e6f48be8947b”, ”background_color”: ”bg-beige”, ”_background_color”: ”field_5e786c35b6cbe” }, ”align”: ”wide”, ”mode”: ”edit” } /–><!– wp:acf/ahouse-repeater { "id": "block_5f4e29a24818d", "name": "acf\/ahouse-repeater", "data": { "title": "", "_title": "field_5e6f53080b239", "text": "", "_text": "field_5e82e62a3d88b", "rows_0_image": 9793, "_rows_0_image": "field_5e679be3aed8d", "rows_0_title": "Bespoke membership
The pandemic way of working”, ”_rows_0_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_0_subtitle”: ””, ”_rows_0_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_0_text”: ”The future of workspaces is focused around service, interaction and well-being. With a bespoke membership, our offer is tailored to fit your specific needs – a perfect combination of remote and on-location work. This is a flexible solution for companies that have quickly adapted to the modern way of working and meeting. Use community areas designated for social as well as quiet work, and mix in full or part-time access to areas reserved for your company only. Read more >”, ”_rows_0_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_0_fullwidth”: ”1”, ”_rows_0_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows”: 1, ”_rows”: ”field_5e679bafaed8a”, ”layout”: ”grid-2”, ”_layout”: ”field_5e6f48be8947b”, ”background_color”: ”bg-orange”, ”_background_color”: ”field_5e786c35b6cbe” }, ”align”: ”wide”, ”mode”: ”edit” } /–><!– wp:acf/ahouse-textbild { "id": "block_5f4cef63b7f27", "name": "acf\/ahouse-textbild", "data": { "title": "SHARED LOBBY MEMBERSHIP

3500 sek \/ month
”, ”_title”: ”field_5e68c655996a3”, ”text”: ”A shared membership is exactly what it sounds like! You share your time at A house with a loved one, a friend or colleague. The idea came up meeting a couple that were sick of working from home together all week, resulting in a shared membership where they alter between working from A house, and the other one from home!”, ”_text”: ”field_5e68c65e996a4”, ”gallery”: ””, ”_gallery”: ”field_5e68c66a996a5”, ”layout”: ”text-2-col”, ”_layout”: ”field_5e68e517eed1d”, ”background_color”: ”bg-orange”, ”_background_color”: ”field_5f4cf35c43693”, ”contact_text”: ”

Contact our House Director Jenny!”, ”_contact_text”: ”field_5ef1d01a464a9”, ”contact_image”: 10670, ”_contact_image”: ”field_5ef1d025464aa” }, ”align”: ”wide”, ”mode”: ”edit”, ”className”: ”bespoke-contact” } /–><!– wp:acf/ahouse-repeater { "id": "block_5e679c8a65d89", "name": "acf\/ahouse-repeater", "data": { "title": "", "_title": "field_5e6f53080b239", "text": "", "_text": "field_5e82e62a3d88b", "rows_0_image": 10101, "_rows_0_image": "field_5e679be3aed8d", "rows_0_title": "Work club member", "_rows_0_title": "field_5e679bc8aed8b", "rows_0_subtitle": "5000 sek \/ month (always open)", "_rows_0_subtitle": "field_5e679bd6aed8c", "rows_0_text": "If you want to work in an energetic and ever-changing environment but still want a place to call your own, the work club is the perfect option. You have full access to the lobby and other common areas, but also to the closed off work club area, with your own desk and locker. The desk is height adjustable, there is a choice of chairs, and meeting room hours, mail service and 150 print outs per month is included.", "_rows_0_text": "field_5e679beeaed8e", "rows_0_fullwidth": "0", "_rows_0_fullwidth": "field_5e6baa43bc5ab", "rows_1_image": 9878, "_rows_1_image": "field_5e679be3aed8d", "rows_1_title": "Studio member", "_rows_1_title": "field_5e679bc8aed8b", "rows_1_subtitle": "from 15 800 sek \/ month", "_rows_1_subtitle": "field_5e679bd6aed8c", "rows_1_text": "A house offers a number of office spaces in various sizes, between 15 and 400 sq. meters. Studio members have full access to the lobby and other common areas, and meeting room credits are included. We help you out with furniture, technical issues, mail service, printers and anything else you may need.\r\n\r\nDownload pdf”, ”_rows_1_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_1_fullwidth”: ”0”, ”_rows_1_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows_2_image”: 8633, ”_rows_2_image”: ”field_5e679be3aed8d”, ”rows_2_title”: ”A wing”, ”_rows_2_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_2_subtitle”: ”879 sqm \/ New space!”, ”_rows_2_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_2_text”: ”Internationally renowned architect Mia Hägg at Habiter Autrement has been commissioned add an eye-catching extension to our iconic brutalist building. 870 sqm dedicated to office space for one or two creative companies within fashion, food, music or media.\r\nInterested? Contact: richard@ahouse.se\r\n\r\nDownload pdf”, ”_rows_2_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_2_fullwidth”: ”0”, ”_rows_2_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows_3_image”: 8634, ”_rows_3_image”: ”field_5e679be3aed8d”, ”rows_3_title”: ”A shop”, ”_rows_3_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_3_subtitle”: ”132 sqm \/ New space!”, ”_rows_3_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_3_text”: ”A freshly renovated venue on the ground floor dedicated to retail or food. With its high ceiling and three large windows directly at street level, this 132 sqm space is the most welcoming and accessible part of the building. Interested? Contact: richard@ahouse.se\r\n\r\nDownload pdf”, ”_rows_3_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_3_fullwidth”: ”0”, ”_rows_3_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows_4_image”: 14, ”_rows_4_image”: ”field_5e679be3aed8d”, ”rows_4_title”: ”Future member”, ”_rows_4_title”: ”field_5e679bc8aed8b”, ”rows_4_subtitle”: ”Free”, ”_rows_4_subtitle”: ”field_5e679bd6aed8c”, ”rows_4_text”: ”A house offers a limited number of free membership for young talents. This is a chance for the next generation of entrepreneurs and start-up stars to develop their ideas and networking skills in a creative environment. If you’re interested in applying for a future membership, send us an email at info@ahouse.se or fill out the form below.”, ”_rows_4_text”: ”field_5e679beeaed8e”, ”rows_4_fullwidth”: ”1”, ”_rows_4_fullwidth”: ”field_5e6baa43bc5ab”, ”rows”: 5, ”_rows”: ”field_5e679bafaed8a”, ”layout”: ”grid-2”, ”_layout”: ”field_5e6f48be8947b”, ”background_color”: ”bg-beige”, ”_background_color”: ”field_5e786c35b6cbe” }, ”align”: ”wide”, ”mode”: ”edit” } /–><!– wp:acf/ahouse-textbild { "id": "block_5e6ba9899ae7d", "name": "acf\/ahouse-textbild", "data": { "title": "For all members", "_title": "field_5e68c655996a3", "text": "