Ark, 2023-04-19
Food for thought – with Patrik Beskow
Food for thought is a new forum at A house Ark where members share a meal as they discuss questions that are relevant to the community at Ark, in the company of an expert on the topic at hand.
For the first edition held at our in-house brewery-restaurant OMAKA, we were joined by Patrik Beskow – co-founder of the idea-driven brand and design agency AFFAIRS. For more than 10 years he has been working with brand development for co
Together, we tried to answer the question: how does one create a brand that stands the test of time? Insights from the conversation concluded in the positive effects of going against the mainstream and making idea-driven decisions based on the core idea of one’s brand. This includes decisions that can be uncomfortable to make in the moment but will pay-off in the long run.
The first edition of Food for thought was a much-appreciated gathering that will make its return this fall with new experts and new topics. If you’re curious to learn more about how to create long-lasting, idea-driven brands, we recommend that you read a few of Patrik’s recent articles on the subject.
Patrik Beskow: Differentiate or die
Patrik Beskow: Den fula ankungen